Check out all of our latest news and events here!
March 18th 2024: we have changed our logo. Over the next few months you will see it being incorporated into all our documents, files, and social media including this webpage. Thank you for being patient while this happens as both logos will be popping up in many places as we transition over!
April 16th 2023: watch this space for more updates on our next Art Show. It is planned for the weekend of the 20th and 21st may, in the Mummary Room at Edendale Community Environmental Farm.
April 2nd 2023: we just finished packing up our display at the 2023 International Flower and Garden Show, Melbourne, and it was a successful endeavour. Of the 75 paintings submitted by our members, 20 sold and have now moved out to their new homes. Well done to all that sold.